the water damage is from the weather. we had snow ice and rain steady for about 18 hours. turned out there was a rubber seal between the original house and the back addition that wore away. so roofers came and patched it up with tar. they'll send us a bill. they said that twice before and never have (!) but one roofer just had his first baby so i gave him a baby hat :)
we contacted allstate and an agent will be coming out to access the damage and file a claim. we were told it its probable that we can get some money.
today is valentines day!! not that exciting but i'm getting my eye resurfaced! :)
i have a few small skin tags near my eye and today im getting them removed :)
im pretty excited about the whole thing. im supposed be able to walk out fine, but with a black eye. thats a fine trade off for skin tags that have plauged me since college.
as for valentines- we are having grilled cheese & tomato soup at home tonight :)
shawn gave me a gift certificate to have more pin up photos taken!
after my eye appointment i'm supposed to go to both kid's school parties :)
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