here's some new photos :)

just dressed up at work

my oh-so-smiley kids with the cluas's
sunday after a grueling 14 hour drive including 2 naps and running out of gas for the 1st time ever in 14 years if driving - and witnessing an 18 wheeler lose its load in a snow drift i brought home pepper!

there is already a hole in my shoe

ok here the kids are smiling and pepper is showing off her sweater

ok few spaces for a more serious picture/posting

i got the results back from the thyroid nodule biopsy. after weeks of convincing myself and everyone around me that it was staticly improbable that anything would come back from the tests. i got the call yesterday while sitting in the vet's office. no knowing how to tell shawn, who i'm more worried about that myself, i decided to mix the bad news with good news and put it on an ice cream cake.
so now today, tuesday, im waiting to get the phone number of two surgeons and then i i go from there to schedule a thyroidectomy. really it should be no biggie just take it out and no more cancer then just a higher dose of thyroid meds for teh rest of m life.
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