i had a craft show yesterday. i went with a new friend, emily aka themayofteckclub whom i met through etsy.
it answered the question , "what if there was a craft fair and no one came?"
it was freezing - ok near freezing 48 degrees and at times drizzling. yet no one bought anything!
more vendors stopped by then customers and it was obvious many vendors didnt even show up!
but we had fun braving the the chilly weather listening to music, people watching, creating more art, and i tried to snap photos of a support person who looked like dwight schrute.

today shawn is running in the broad street run. a MAJOR run in philadelphia. its so big we decided to stay home rather then get lost in the crowds and i have to keep audrey entertained during the appox 2 hours of the 10 mile run.
plus well- theres a lot laundry to be done :(
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