reality is setting in.
its wednesday. friday is audrey's birthday. saturday we are having at least 5 little kids over for a 90 minute dance party- 3 other kids have not confirmed.
the house is a mess of half worked on crafts and piles of items for the party and stuff to take to school for donations. and laundry to be put away.
granted there's still what 2-3 days for all of this to be completed so i know i should worry- i'm not exactly worried, its more just that moment that i woke up and saw the mess that is surrounding me.
i and i need to work on the dance party music- i dont want just kid music so its going to be a mix of some backyardigans and some fun clean music like beatles & beach boys maybe some ramones (audrey has been liking them recently) ....

here's our birthday girl modeling a sweater that i have been felting for craft purposes
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