
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

earlier today i was at starbucks,
this has become my routine, i go to starbucks, get a coffee pick a PRIME seat sit, knit , and hope to hand out some business cards. it works ive handed out about 2-3 each week.
but this week i gotta lecture from a woman that i should be knitting and donating not selling, specifically baby hats for the local hospitals. then as she was leaving she came back top me and gave me her business card and told me i needed help getting to hospital she could arrange something.
well i just felt insulted, she doesnt know me, or what i do..
so i wrote her a letter
here it is

Hello, I m not sure if you remember me, We met on Tuesday March 25th at Starbucks. YOu asked me what i was knitting. I told you coffee cup sleeves. Then you told me that i should knit baby caps for the local hospitals.

I find it very offensive that you would tell someone you don't know, what to do with their talents.

I know about the need for baby caps, i also know about the need for food, toiletries, clothing. These are all things that i am aware of. I know that our community is not just filled with people blessed enough to be drinking coffee at Starbucks. I also know these needs go beyond our community and are worldwide.

If you knit or crochet hats for infants, that is wonderful. If you want to get the word out good for you. Tell me once and that is enough.

This was my one morning that i do not volunteer at my children's’ school or care for my daughter. It was my one morning where i sit and work, enjoy my coffee. i pass out my business card in hopes of getting interest in my small home based business. I’m hoping to sell these coffee cup holders at the Log House Craft Fair, which will benefit the Log House In Downingtown.

I do not know how you meant the conversation, but i felt belittled and that you were implying that I was not ‘properly’ using my talent and skills.