i saved $52.75 dollars today at the grocery store. i tried several times to photograph my reciept but no luck getting a shot that was readable.
you'll have to trust me and my savy shopping skills.
how was such savings accomplished? well in addition to the usual bonus card savings (you know where big business tracks everything you buy and you get to save 20 cents??) well the pharmacy is offering a specail deal. after you get 4 prescribtions filled you get a 10% discount off your next purchase.
ahh score!! finally a promotion for me!!
i get six prescribtions filled every month- thats me personally and then the kids sometimes need their allergies meds filled too! ka-ching!
guess who is going grocery shopping!
i also used my envirosax for the second time. i guess i will just need to get used to the fact no one knows what they are. even though i was set & had them unrolled this time & announced " i have my own bags!!" and handed them to the checker to pass to the bagger. the bagger thought they were an item i purchased and stuffed them in a plastic bag!
well we sorted that out. then two other baggers and an other customer came over to see my bags. i showed them how they all rolled up in the little pouch and pointed out my order for the week fit in 5 bags and that i could easily lift a bag that had 5 cans and other items in it. i know my mom says she ordered me more and im glad i'd like to carry one or two in my purse for those days when i pop in the craft shop or lowes or whatever and i need just one bag and i forget to bring in the whole pouch of 5.

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