last night was the town halloween parade. everybody but dad got in the spirit of things. i appeased audrey and dressed as a skeleton pirate. max keep his mask on to not infect anyone (hey you're never to sick for a parade!) . actaully the parade did me in. ive been pooped all day with a wicked sore throat. maybe i shouldnt of shouted all my favorite costumes in order to score candy for me & the kids! so for the halloween parade so long as you register before the parade you can march in it- and most people who march also throw candy and who knows why but we developed a habit of yelling to people whose costumes we like and then we tend to get candy tossed our way

such a nice kitty!

ahh too bad she has a temper problem!

for all you non star wars fans- this is jengo fett

mom and audrey waiting for the parade. standing out side the moose lodge.

aww man this knitting project is really killing me!!!
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