im already for a new day! well maybe i should get dressed. i went to the bus stop & audrey's school in sweats and no bra.
im gonna make some coffee, knit and watch "my life as a dog"
i got my application for a craft fair yesterday that sounded slightly intimidating. it stated it was the premier craft fair in our county, and everything must be handmade and orginal. so i'm not quite sure what that mean about me selling items that i made using publish patterns. but what the hey?? any ideas? i can always call and ask. i really i think that is only my two devil hats any ways.
my stomach pain is still gnawing away. i'm considering calling the myofascial release therapist again. shawn has been home much and it will continue like that for aleast two more weeks. so maybe i need a boost opening my 'voice'.
also i plan on trying to clean the icky green moldy stuff off the side of my house, im sure mr & mrs r dont want to look at that all winter!
oh also this may be becoming the blog of random rhetocial questions, but why is it that if im anxious and i shouldnt be drinking coffee, then why i do i want it all the time?
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