have i ever mentioned that im completely incapable of cooking oatmeal? its either crispy ( i kinda like that) or soupy (gross)
i feel like there is alot to do. there's halloween on wednesday. i'm flip floping on costumes. yesterday at my sister's party, there was a girl dressed as bride of frakenstein. i can do that! i have a great dress, or then my sister also had tons ( over 40) white mini pumpkins she grew. i suggested she put one on a stick and be the pumpkin fairy. well duh i can do that too!! in the same white dress as bride of frankstein!
plus well even though i knew- i kinda forget that i told mrs r. that i'd knit a baby sweater for the newborn on our block. but i also have the baby blanket that im working on. i still have 94 rows to work on that. and lastly november 10th i have craft fair.
so how to prioritze all that im not sure. then the things like grocery shopping, yarn shopping, karate , school etc
there just isnt enough time. so i blog as i choke down lumpy crunchy oatmeal
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