ok i better type because i think that cutie little baby dollie is scaring everyone!
let's see....
shawn has been great .he down loaded a song to my phone so now everytime it rings ( which is like never but still ...) it plays the theme to "magilla gorilla".also on thursday he lied and said there was static on the line and got out of a conference call- that was just funny he also forced eveyone to sit down with me and watch "charolette's web" tonight while we stayed at home with his grandmom. audrey did refuse to watch and fell asleep but everyone else liked it. i think my mom would like it a lot. also
so far i'm LOVING my hair like this. as far as ease, and my chief concern 'out-of-face & eyes' its amazing!!! also i find it really funny that most people i see everyday just have no comment or say 'hey you got a haircut'. one friend said 'it looked so normal on you i didnt even notice' wow- that may have been a really bad insult or a really nice compliment im not sure but i like it
my knitting is going well. im working on devil hats & infant pumpkin hats. plus with the new TV season starting this week, i figure that will help ;)
i still havent heard anything about the adoption application i put in on thursday. i called on friday and was told it takes about 48 hours and that you're called either way ( yea or neigh) so i hope we'll hear back on monday. but please still keep your fingers crossed!!
this probably smacks of a little too much emotional attachment but here's what we're all crossing our finger's for:

inky the pug
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