its a new day! :D
its the first day off of school! and why not spend the morning watching TV?

everyone watches tv upside down and absent mindedly tickling their sister right?
i think the nights & mornings have been so cool the moon flowers were still open this morning

we went out walking with susan last night. we stop at the paint our own pottery so she could pick up a piece and lo & be hold!!
see what i bought!!

three ghost gnomes- no i had to get them FAST!!! it was all they had, and i have asked everywhere including the WC shop about paint your own gnomes, and three was all they could get. so i bought them on the spot and i'll bring them back to paint :)
can you tell im cheerier then yesterday? im trying. it is kinda sad realizing your losing hair and a dog all in one day :)
the hair might be thyroid related, im also sleeping at least 10 hours a day, dry skin etc so im going to pick up a slip to get my blood tested. i also made a hair appointment for tomorrow but i might just go in today.
last- i filled out another adoption application for a pug in our area with shawn's blessing. in fact i think every other sentence he has said to me is " aww inky is so cute!!" so keep your fingers crossed!! personally i thinks it looks good, i know a great vet here in west chester, we have a decent fence and those are their two big sticking points. so cross your fingers for us!!
ok i better get some chores done and start another hat :)
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