
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

its been going on a few months now since i saw the movie "science of sleep". ahh i loved it. i really think about it so much. i have to say i felt very connected to it. i didnt really think anyone else understood that sleeping makes me more tired, or that the more vivid my dreams are the more tired i am in the morning. the movie validated that for me. also it has such a great creative, arts and craft side that its hard to explain, that needs to be seen to be beleived.
it has great lines like this:
In dreams, emotions are overwhelming.

Stéphanie: How's your head?
Stephane: It's okay. It's not normal though...
Stéphanie: It's never going to be.

Distraction is an obstruction for the construction.

i have been dreaming and in turn worrying about max at school. he has been having trouble with 'b,d,p' and which way '5, 3' face. so at night i dream that he is already failing first grade and in the day i find myself unable to write those letters correctly and wonder if he is dyslexic. i voiced this to two parents this morning who said that those types of mistakes are still common and normal as school starts again and to just have the teacher tell me that.
next i'll start dreaming my fingers fall off or just refuse to work for me and i'll be unable to communicate