
Sunday, September 23, 2007

its 10am. i cant keep my eyes open since i woke up at 8am. maybe becuase at 4am i woke up with a migraine and had to take my imatrex. that can really take alot out of you.
i'm trying to order max's halloween costume. i cant decide what size to get him. why is it sized 4-6 or 8-10? what are 7yr old supposed to wear? im taking my sister's advice and going with the smaller size
i feel like its still early for halloween but i see decorated houses. i like to decorate at least after october 1st. i started buying candy-4 bags so far. if i bought it all at once though, it would be a huge dent in our groceries.
i feel a little odd i have no planned costume this year. usually i have tons of ideas or already have something picked. maybe im finally comfortable with who i am :)