the spiderman show was pretty funny. it was all about eating right, excerising, staying away from strangers, what to do if you are bullied. i was hoping for some fog and light effects, buts the kids loved it. audrey was upset for a bit that she wasnt picked to go on stage. but spiderman was outside to say hi to all the kids in the lobby and he told her he liked her shirt so that cheered her up alittle.

she also had a great time at swim lessons. i had to send over a teacher to tell her to stop spitting water. i guess then they realized she was pretty bored waiting her turn to swim. so they would send over the college students more often and she was loving the attention. she is also showing the other 4 years now how to swim! she is swimming on her own. by swimming i mean on her back moving her legs & arms. she is also happy to jump in from the side of the pool float up then flip to her back and swim.
max's swimming is so cute!! he is doing just a basic stroke but its a little choppy. he looks like a little wind-up toy in the water! he loves getting to dive into the diving well at the end of the class.
going thru today's mail i got i big envelope. pretty odd. i really dont get much mail. turns out our insurance is urging/reccomending i join their new chronic pain management program. part of me finds this funny. yeah i'm costing them too much money, i know. they send me letters asking if i can take cheaper migraine medication. plus i have been saying i was going to start looking into what my insurance would cover for long term pain management like chiro or accupuncture but then the stomach problem came up and i havent done anything about my usual headache/tmj problems. and wait until the insurance gets the bills for the CAT scan :P they wont be happy about that!
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