if greasy food triigers a gallstone attack then my "home test" of fried chicken came up postive. i was in so much pain i couldnt go down stairs to tell shawn that i was in pain.
but the chicken was so good!!! it came out great, i'll definately do it again if i can.
since i knew there was going to be alot of food we invited laurie over. it was a great time
i also finished knitting the front of audrey's sweater.
right now im maybe a quater of the way into my 1st of 3 bottles barium. i found out its not a guy but a reactive for the CAT scan. its reactive alright- i wanna puke!
well at least i wont die with a mullet! :)
ok so if for some i dont get up any more posts its because the computer has been acting strange and wont turn out or shutting it's self off.

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