my computer is still not acting normal. it shuts down when ever it wants, refuses to start up. i have to make an appointment with the mac store to bring it in. im hoping i'll be able to keep it working until the weekend.
for all my grumbling about the wedding it was much better then i expected. our seating was fun. we were with her cousin whom i worked with for awhile, and her first boyfriend who i also knew. there was tons of food. not really my biggest draw but it was funny because it just kept coming. it was a never ending wedding we got there at 3 for a 3:30 ceremony and left at 10 and the reception wasnt finished! the biggest surprise was a mummer quartette showed up played 6 songs and left again shawn had the camera, so i dont take credit for these pictures.
almost forgot! i had a major warobe malfunction as they say. i was all ready to go in a vintage dress. everything on, all dressed, makeup, jewerly etc and one of my sleeves split due to dry rot! at least it didnt happen there. so thank goodness i found something else to wear! i'll have to try it on again and get a photo of it - i really loved it, it's shame :(
this last picture, max took of me sporting my camo sundress on sunday!!

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