i have so many pictures im not sure how to post them all! i guess let's start at the begining

here's the dent in the car. every one was ok. i stopped to avoid 3 pedestrians. the car behind hit me. the man claimed to be an off duty cop & wanted to fix it under the table. we refused & reported it to hertz. havent had any trouble since. word of caution ALWAYS CALL THE COPS!!
then we went to legoland- much to our surprise it was one of a 2 day celebration of starwars!

you know you always wanted a picture yourself & a lego chewbacca

2 r2d2?

(esp for leia :) )

if i ever missed a birthday im making up for it now

why is a punk being bitten by a dog? that was a common element seen in many urban settings

this one was mechcanical/moving


anyone else want to count how many pictures there are of my kids and storm troopers?

here's one shot of a ride!
ok so that was legoland. how about the beach? feel free to look away.

i seem to be saying 'oh the camera'

im always drafted to dig the big hole

now im think 'ugh what still that camera?'

now...'at least i'll suck in my gut'

ahh cute kids much better

ha ha now i have the camera!

the kids never seem to have both feet on the ground!

look at me i'm knitting!

look at them- indigneous knitters!
here's some late estbalishing shots of where we stayed

quite the model

showing her spirit

the marina

running to the hotel

running from the hotel

"the hills are alive.........."

all four of us on our 9th anniversary! i really dont know how many people said we wouldnt make it, but i always thought most people thought that whatever its not a competition ....

i for the life of me cant remember what the name of this town is-- lauguna? i'll figure it out. this is its offical greeter
we have a few pictures of disney land. it was a hot long day. its funny no one seems all that happy in the photos.

at the castle

ahh dumbo

dude i would not mess with that kid!

here's where you take your picture instead of holding up the ride

really they would stop fighting here

this really doesnt work as a photo oppertunity

audrey is in there somewhere
this maybe be my most favorite series of pictures. we wanted an hour to ride a roller coaster. it was HOT, we were TIRED. shawn decided to capture the moment .




dominc (shawn's high school friend)

notice everyone has a fake smile?
here's real smiles!

(ok not mine i didnt really want to ride anything that went in a circle)

that does it for disney land! here's two of san degio
it's me & sarah :)

we met 9 years ago- all the way back in the dot com days! we've seen lots of things now she's getting married in oct!
this one picture seems lonely so maybe i'll post pictures of my kids climbing all over her & brian :)
very last, it ended our trip and will end my photos a found heart on streets on san degio

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