ahh california.
flight was good. we woke up at 5 & on the plane at 6:30! other then being uncomfy on the plane because i'm 5'8 things were fine. the kids and i watched boomerange or nick the whole time. i knit about 5 inches.
after picking the rental car getting settled in the hotel, then going out for lunch shawn had a conference call. so i decided to go out & get sunscreen. while i was out. i was re-ended in the rental car! :( we were all ok. and i didnt hit the two women & baby who ran out in front of me. the man was nice. said he saw it all, it was his fault and just turn in the car with his ins. info. so i get back and call hertz they need police info. we call to file a report. an officer comes to hotel to take my report and he calls the man. turns out the man who hit was an off duty officer! well its all settled now but it took up the whole first day. i did get to see a wedding from our balcony.
yesterday we went to lgoland- it was a specail starwars day. now i need to go get ready for disney. i hope kids have a good time they both eem a little ehh about it. tonight we get to see didi too!!
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