i have solved one of the mysteries of the universe. its not the dryer that eats socks, its the washer!

one may ask, 'how did you come across these amazing photos? '
well last night, maxwell & i dyed a sweater red for audrey's birthday gift. then we washed it. this morning i was cleaning my washer. not something i routinly do, nor do i assume most americans. thats when i saw that curiousity in the first photo. it peaked my interest so i pulled back the gasket and to my surprise- SOCKS!! many socks, now many red socks :P
yes and if you are unable to see from the final photograph, the complete haul is 11 childrens socks, $4 dollars, 1 lego, a tissue, and a ton of hair!
*maxwell claimed the lego before the final photo was taken.
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