so after buying and hanging new christmas lights ( that was a 1st for me) then finishing up some knitting and taking it to market, im bona fide cranky and just want to be alone :P
i ended up taking over:
the denim scarf
red devil hat
black devil hat
2 button beanies
i seemed have commited a faux pas when i said i was knitting hats for anthony's 3 daughters too. i dont if maybe it sounded like it was free or what but malena asked if he knew i was selling them at the shop. oh well not quite sure what that was about, not like i have exclusivity contact.
also have told max all week long that he could play with susan's kids but that would mean either we go there and i have to talk to her father, a nice guy but in that kooky grandfather way & he is a close talker and her mom thinks i'm a lesiban b/c my hair is so short! or i could have the whole bunch of kids here for loud whiney kids time :P
maybe max will forget or i might to run errands or something
ugh im a bad mommy

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