
Monday, November 27, 2006

so here's my little travel 'horror' story ;)

so on the plane back from CA to washington dc, about 20 mins into the flight audrey split the apple juice they gave her. i had my back turn to her as i was helping max get his open so she just sat in the puddle on the leather seat!
so i notice what happened got the seat & tray cleaned up but what to do with audrey??
i took her to the rest room, took off her now soaking wet jeans, underwear, and hoodie. i took off my long sleeve tee shirt, put it on her shimmied it down to her hips & wrapped the sleeves around her waist twice! then i wore my coat buttoned up the rest of the trip!
there was a few moments of flashing, and much more crying about having to wear a shirt/skirt but we got through it thanks to all the candy i had packed!
we ended up changing her into her own undies & pants right in the baggage terminal and i have never seen anyone so happy to on pants!!