cupcake,cupcake! yummy yummy yummy! i have a cupcake! (i really need some sort of symbol to indicate this is a song i am singing to myself)
mmmmm-gross-mmmmm store bought icing. its a very homer simpson moment
otherwise my nose is sunburnt, and i let shawn talk me out of the straw cowboy hat i wanted & got a stupid floppy hat that makes me think of JLO- although im sure its nothing she would ever actually wear but i need the irony of the straw cowboy hat.
hmm if i eat one more cupcake that will leave 4, one for each of us, really its a "mercy eating". no one will fight, no will say 'i want another cupcake', because i took the bullet and ate cupcakes #5, & #6. truly a martyr
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