yesterday we got dumped on with snow and good 5 inches or so. you know enough for me to get the mini stuck in and need to call a tow truck :P
but good news is i got the car stuck at the hospital while they were doing a final scan for any lingering cancer!
so i feel good today its like its all behind me now for at least a year when i go through another full body scan. today is my first day on my new full dose of snythroid. also i stepped down 1/3 on my antidepressants over the past few weeks.
lastly its a little silly but i decided to take one of the shop's sublime stitching embroidery kits home with me and give it a try. ive been kinda bored with my knitting and just 'knitting' with no pattern and no idea what it is that im knitting its just a rectangle although i tell myself it will become a hat when the time comes. its just its so slow at the shop i need something to do and and something thats a little different.
so here is what i picked for my first try

so tonight i'll do the fabric transfer and tomorrow i'll actually give it a try!
my friend hali asked about pepper
she is doing great we took her in last week for her rabies shot. she is 5 lbs 2 oz which is double the weight she was when we got her! its really hard to picture she getting much bigger though. she is ALL PUPPY right now which takes a lot of patience. max is doing great and has taken over about 50% of her potty breaks and her feeding and shawn does alot too. i hardly do any since i was as sick as i got. life would be great if we could get her to stop nipping at our shoes/feet but i guess thats life with a puppy
i'll take some new pics and post them.
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