shawn's grandmother has been taken in to hospice care this weekend.
she has been suffering through alzhiemers for quite some time. She took a turn for teh worse when about two weeks ago she broke her right shoulder in a fall. however, no one knew at the time she also broke her right hip and ankle and she continued to move around for some time.
Any thoughts or prayers depending on your beliefs will be greatly appriecated that this time .
i must say the hospice is wonderful and only 5 minutes from our house. Its the place you never want to be but if you have to its certainly friendly, cheery and very fun to be at. max and audrey are very comfortable being there plus there's normally other children to play with.
later today im going to new hope to visit my friend cyndi- i havent been to new hope in years and its fun to be taking what feels like such a big trip alone ( a long hour away in a direction i rarely go). for those who dont know, new hope pa, is known as a small artsy, liberal town with tons of little fun shops. just the sort of place someone like me would love to go see!!! honestly i do remember the last time i was there- audrey was in the baby sling! :D
ok i should go knit for a bit, the young guy who covers the shop for me asked if i could make him a hat. i wanted to have it done by wednesday but the way the weekend went by so fast i doubt i'll have it finished

me & the kids in new hope pa 2003!~
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