since i finished 2 of my 3 commissioned works. i needed to buy yarn for the third. while at the store i ran into the $1 sale bins!!! really most of this isnt my personal style but i can knit it fast and hope it it will sell cheap. plus it was fun digging and diving head first looking for two of the same skiens. i even bought 2 skiens simply becuase it was called "bling bling". i also got some more yarn to go with my ear flap hat because i *really* need a scarf. one neighbor asked me about a scarf but didnt know what color and instead just showed me her new coat so i guessed and bought two skiens and i'll show them to her and see what she says. what there was just some fun kooky yarns that looked appealing to young and old. oh i got some more tulle since i got alot of comments on those scarves.

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