it was max's first day of school!
i had a slight moment of feeling like a bad mom, when i saw i didnt have any sandwhich bags for his grapes, but i put them in a container.
there was quite a crowd at the bus stop. even kids who didnt ride the bus came out to see freinds.

shawn saw max off early before work

the uruly crowd
while the picture was being taken, th ebus arrived and all the kids ran, so i dont think any parents got kisses, hugs or photos!
since i had my camera out here's some other shots:

my late bloomer- a pumpkin plant!

the sewing case, on top of the bureau that is sitting in the dining room

audrey in her sarcophgus

my new hair-do
why is there a bureau in the dining room? well it was audrey's before that , maxwell's , before that ours. but it was leaking baall bearings forever. now one drawer wont open. now im hoping to sell it at a garage sale on saturday along with the matching armoir and changing table. after the garage sale we are all set to go to a breast cancer fund raiser then sunday is the kennet square mushroom festival. oh and friday is the school's ice cream socail. i volunteered for an hour and shawn was asked to help break it down..... yep its tuesday and already its goingto be a BIZZY weekend
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