
Monday, August 06, 2007

the myofascial release on friday was not quite what i was expecting. most of the reading i did said it was gentle stretching. that made me think of being streched out for sports and it wasnt like that either. really i dont remember that much of the therapist phycially did.
some of what i found was interesting:
as soon as the therapist started work my stomach started pulsing where i had the pain, i didnt mention this to her. instead she asked me how long had i had the stomach problems
she said the tmj is from not speaking and holding in all the things i want to say.
also my throat started tingling and felt tight, since friday if there is something i need to say and i dont i get the same feeling in my throat.
she also suggested some vitamins and minerals to help with the muscle tension and the stomach upset.
the end summary of was that i need to get everything that i is upsetting me out. only thing is i dont really know what *IT* is. but once *IT* s out i can go in a new direction.