
Thursday, August 02, 2007

last night audrey and i had quite the argument over her taking a bath. she wanted to watch TV. well she took a bath. literally she stood in a tub of bubbles & water, i washed her, had to dump 3 bowls of water to wash & rinse her hair. she screamed and yelled!!! she wanted to watch TV, she was going to leave my house, she was going to leave and live in our old house that we moved out of 19 months ago. i just went about my business and reminded her every few minutes that she was free to live in a stranger's house and she that should would not be watching any more TV that night.
she was crying so much she didnt realize the bath was over. then she was demanding i dress her which was another battle. her just screaming for 10 mins. i would tell her i was happy to help when she asked nicely using please. finally she broke down, asking for help because she was cold. she needed lot of hugs.
i helped get her lotioned and dressed. then when i was combing her hair she start crying again!! i asked why and she said she didnt want to go live in our old house alone with no mommy. i told her she can always live with me and that i knew she was mad and didnt really mean what she said. she kept sniffling for the next 20 minutes or so but eventually was ok. i stuck to my word and no tv.
since there was no tv we mixed up the dry and wet ingredients for seperately for blueberry muffins in the morning. and maxwell let audrey win at checkers.