the couch was picked up last night
im finished shopping for max's birthday party.
i need to figure out how to put together my craft & then goodie bags with a mininum of paper goods.
im sleepy. im also achy from getting the couch outside by myself two days ago.
mrs r. told me (very nicely & quietly) that they had to put gretel, their oldest dog to sleep. gretel is the one who fell earlier this summer. i'm surprised how sad i am. but i told max and audrey. max asked if she was with her doggie husband who died a few years ago- so funny & sweet!
we all had a great visit with my sister veronica and her freind gina, and that pretty much sums up the past 36 hours.
oh i have been talking up my volcano to anyone with ears- now the comic boy guy is interested, neighbors want to see it - maybe i'll need to have another party but it will be BYOE- bring your own EVRYTHING!

volcano still wet after a second coat of papier mache

photo of my homade paste
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