
Monday, February 12, 2007

ahh, monday!
its 10:30 and i'm in pamajas still! i have so much to do but im panicky about this snow storm we are gettin later in the week (looks like tues & wed) . if only i knew what would happen. will there be school? will i have to bake tons of mini cupcakes for the valentines paty? will shawn be get home from dc?

ok so there's that.
i also have been jonesing to go window (possibly real) shopping in downtwon west chester for our trip this weekend but its been so cold. today's high is 40- thats a heat wave! but the heating guys are finally coming to look at the system and even out the hot & cold spots in the house at 1pm which is my best time to go out. i know they wont be here till 4 so i should just chill. (no pun intended)

here's good stuff

yesterday we saw 'go degio go live' on the way shawn was nice enough to take a rooute to stop at loop yarns so i could get one more ball of yarn to that i think ill need to finish a hat. when we got to our seats at degio- we were in the 2nd row, center!!! it was amazing i had no idea we were that close when i purchased the tickets. the kids loved it. max liked it much more then he thought he would (he was pulling the 'i'm too old for this' routine) and audrey was absolutely amazed by everything and was even at the point of tears at the intermission & at the end becuase she wanted more. she was fascinated by the specail guest - dora!!!