i have two knitting projects in the works, one devil hat (satan chapeau) for didi, and a festive fur scarf for an acquaintance who saw some of the christmas presents i made and asked if i could make her a scarf. also on the knitting front, neighbor susan was at christmas party where one of my knit hats from malena's shop was given as a gift! she says the recipant loved it.
im not sure if i can top this funny story for the week- i had a bottle of tonic water that was in my car all weekend but it had been sitting on the counter for a few hours. the kids asked in they could taste it. i said ok. when i opened the bottle it exploded everywhere, like a volcano. it was hilarious. especially when the second max tasted it, he said he didnt like it but audrey had four glasses! oh and plus we were on our way out the door to karate! so i need to spend some time cleaning up the kitchen since its midly sticky everywhere, but it was so funny i dont mind.

left to right
the begining of devil hat, the festive fur scarf, FO that may get fringed in grey.
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