here's the update on the bully situtation. i spoke with the principal over the phone who said he would talk to max and instigator. when max got home from school he said the bus ride home was fine since the instigator wasnt there and the principal said he would tell that boy he cant sit behind max anymore. i hope more will be said to the older boy, and was all that was said to max since he didnt need to be told anything else. by conicidence i'll be bringing max home on thursday and friday. maybe even with the winter break things might blow over.
on a different note, on my birthday shawn gave me tickets to see big bad voodoo daddy's holiday show on friday. but we cant find a sitter and with everyone having these colds im begining to wonder if we should even try and go. shawn is even coming home from dc today becuase he feel so bad. and audrey isnt sleeping and i have been sleeping with her all week so i dont know how a babysitter could handle things. we might just need to cut our loses on this one.
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