well this saturday went much better then last saturday!! we went to a freind's garage sale and umm well bought a 1975 two seater motorcycle !?!? umm yeah im still in shock! it doesnt run- part of me hopes it stays that way! i also spent $25 and bought a secretary for the kitchen that needs cleaning (a winter project for me)
then after that it was a shopping spree for me at jo-ann's fabric for notions to fix up the now famous 'green dress' , get yarn for my consignment items, and stuff for halloween coustumes. then we tried to have MIL babysit but it didnt go so well, everywhere was booked for dinner so we saw a movie, when the movie let out at 10 the kids were still wide awake and i was starving :P oh well cnt get everything right i guess.
today is the resturant festival in west chester, this is the BIGGEST event in west chester-huge!!! its a street festival, and all resturants cook outside and make sampler plates for a few dollars, plus lots of entertainment, and a beer garden (:P) , tons of vendors, crowds for this are huge and it runs all day, i like to go early before anyone is drunk since i have max & audrey to look out for.
here's some pics of me all dressed up to go out- audrey is all very curious about dresses, where as max likes the make up

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