leia sent me this pattern yesterday- i'm not sure if it was a hint or not. ;) i know she hasnt mastered DPN's any way its such a cute pattern i thought i would share it!

Bunny Beanie
To fit ages 3-6 months
Level of difficulty: Intermediate
sts = stitch(es)
st st = stockinette stitch
rev st st = reverse stockinette stitch
k = knit
p = purl
rep = repeat
in = inch(es)
k2tog = knit 2 stitches together
dec = decrease
rem = remaining
RS = right side of work
WS = wrong side of work
1 - 100g ball of Reynolds Andean Alpaca Regal (off white or white), 1 - 25 g ball of Anny Blatt Angora Super (Loukoum). US 8 double-pointed needles.
16 sts and 22 rows to 4 inch square in stockinette stitch using US 8 needles.
Using Alpaca Regal, cast on 56 sts using picot cast-on as follows: *cast on 3 sts, cast off 1 st, slip stitch now on right needle back onto left needle (2 sts on left needle), repeat from * until there are 56 sts on left needle. This will form a scalloped bottom edge for the hat.
Beg with a k row, work in st st until hat measures 4 in from cast on edge.
Shape top:
1st dec row: k2tog, k5 8 times (48 sts)
K2 rows
2nd dec row: k2tog, k4 8 times (40 sts)
K2 rows
3rd dec row: k2tog, k3 8 times (32 sts)
K1 row
4th dec row: k2tog, k2 8 times (24 sts)
K1 row
5th dec row: k2tog, k2 8 times (18 sts)
Last dec row: k2tog to end (9sts)
Break yarn, thread through rem sts, pull up and secure.
Rabbit Ears
Cast on 12 stitches with the Alpaca Regal, then directly following, cast on 10 stitches with Angora.
The right side of the ear will have a panel of Alpaca in stockinette stitch, and a slightly smaller panel of Angora in reverse stockinette. So the inner ear section will fit snugly inside the ear flap, and feature just a little bit of texture.
Row 1: (right side) purl 10 stitches of Angora, Knit 12 stitches of alpaca regal.
Row 2: (wrong side) purl 12 stitches of Alpaca Regal, Knit 10 stitches of Angora.
Repeat in this manner for 12 rows total. Be sure to twist the strands of yarn around each other once so that the transition does not require seaming.
Decrease Row 1: (Angora) purl 2 together, purl 6 , purl 2 together, (alpaca) Knit 2 tog, Knit 8, Knit 2 tog.
Row 2 : work in pattern with no decreases (knit the knit stitches, purl the purl stitches).
Continue with these two rows until there is/are 1 angora stitch left and 2 alpaca stitches left. Cut the angora yarn leaving 5 inches of tail. Pull that through the remaining stitch to end that section. Cut the Alpaca yarn leaving about 12 inches of tail. Thread the tail through a needle, and loop it through the last two alpaca stitches.
Finishing: Use the long tail of alpaca (already threaded through the needle) to sew up the side seam. Fold the ear in half so that the angora sits inside the alpaca outer ear. Starting at the top of the ear, sew the side seam together.
Weave in all ends. Fold bottom of the each ear in half and stitch it together to hold the shape of rabbit ears. Attach the topmost corner of each ear bottom approximately 5 rows from the top of the hat and continue sewing the bottom of the ear along two of the seams created by the decreases in the hat.
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