i made the rather slap-dash decision to go to maryland this afternoon see kerry and my other knit night freinds. now my anxiety is getting the better of me. its a 2 hour drive one way. im hoping the kids will nap during some of it. kerry and i planned to eat then let the kids play at an outside mall for a bit before we go knitting. knitting is a boarders books, so calm my nerves im planning on buying them each a new book and box of jelly belly jelly beans since the jelly beans usually kept them busy in the past. we are also baking oatmeal rasin cookies so we'll bring some for the car ride and some for our freinds. i just hope that my nerves dont get the better of me. im going to drive with my bruxing guard in, my dentist said its a big help and remember to to take my deep calming breaths.
ok kids need drinks
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