
Wednesday, March 10, 2004

what an absolutley insane 24 hours....
first audrey choked on a banana and i had to use that red cross training, i flipped her over pointed her to ground, a couple thumps later that chunk of banana flew out across the room. after a few sneezes she was fine and ready to eat more banana.
then she was playing in the laundry basket when it tipped over and she landed on her nose and instantly got a nose bleed, she was crying so much it was hard to get it to stop but i did. later in the day if she cried it would dribble a little but she is fine now- its a little swollen looking.
THEN max woke up around 9pm, he seemed to be crying hysterically & coughing, but i got him to settle down and go back to sleep. at midnight he woke up again with the coughing and strident breathing, all congested sounding. it took awhile but my husband and i got him back to sleep but his breathing still sounded trouble so i took him to the ER (i didnt see dr carter). as i suspected it was croup, so they gave him some meds and a breathing trement and sent us on our way. today he is fine, he has been asking since he got up if we can go somewhere :P
audrey is also doing well but she did sustain a bump to the noggin during one of her ever increasing trips up the stairs : )

oh so very tired.....