i woke up to a sale on etsy!
some kind soul, with great taste bought my green shawl!
medical update:
max is still all red & blotchy with quite a cough.
he'll be staying home and doing his school work this morning.
i have an ultrasound this afternoon and monday i go to the hospital for pre-op work!
what is going on? well its gynecological in nature, so if you are interested keep reading if not stop here.
im having an ablaition , you can go to novasure.com for more info. i'll be having it done on may 28th!
im very excited!!
house news:
wednesday is the start date to have our walls repaired in our basement. which will be so awesome! right now its crumbling concrete. only catch is shawn & i have to move everything out of the basement in order for the work to start. so its all going in the trash or in the garage.
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