i was kind of stuck between starting a new photo post or just adding photos to a previous post. i decided to just do a photo post.

my crusty stained foot. mojan complained about the state of her sole after months in sandles so i thought i'd share mine. they look worse in person. the flash kind of washed out the color.

max has achieved a solid yellow belt and is now a junior student in karate! i didnt go to the test because audrey was behaving poorly.

papier mache scarecrow head. im going to paint it orange, then bring in black & yellow craft felt and have the kids pick what shape facial features they want. we'll cut it out of the felt and glue it on. (please cross you fingers this will work!!)

mmm look at the delicous yummy papier mache paste. my mom said i shouldnt eat even though its just flour and water but it smells so good!

scarf in progress that i contacted my mom & sisters about then changed my pattern about 4 times

finished objects ready to go

WIP's (works in progress) and balls of yarn i've been too lazy to carry up to the 3rd floor

felt balls drying - orange for pumpkins
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