max's school always wants something. its not like we live in a poor district. there's a surplus in the PTO account. :P
yet they send an email & a paper letter saying they REALLy need donations to fill gift baskets for spring raffles.
hmm so let me get this straight, i buy something, donate it, then they'll sell it back to me?
plus there's a gift basket for each class room! max's classroom is themed 'shop till you drop' so they want gift cards, and then it says they'll put them all in "a nice vera bradley bag"
again, i never understood vera bradley bags, no matter what size they always look like diaper nags to me. thats not something i'm going to want to buy raffle tickets for.
i dont mind giving my time, i'm finally doing book club, and going in next week for the doctor suess celebration. but the whole money issue is such a drag and causes me personally such a confliction. there's a point to how much you can give, and this one just doesnt seem worth it.
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