i totally jinxed myself. i said something about not going to kiddie birthday parties now we were invited to 3 over the course of 24 hours! two are concurrent on oppposite sides of town and i dont know when the other is- i hope not the same day!
shawn finally got his company car yesterday. so it looks like we'll be selling my passat on sunday *sniff sniff*
'good bye old car there are many like you but you were mine'
(modified from the karate belt cermemony)
this means i'll drive the toureg, i know i had trouble with it in the begining but its been a year now and i've slowly gotten used it. i still dont like been seen driving a 'big car' but there's not much i can do now and consider all the junk in the trunk of the passat - i'll be able to carry way more bizzare things with me now!!!

so thing in there : dead sneakers , typewriter,2 bags of yarn i never wanted, water, old karate belts, my dry cleaning bag from maryland, backyardigans CD, knit green hat, a basket, & i'll post other stuff as i find it
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