apparently there were communication problems even before i had no voice. about 5pm today i found out that shaawn and his parent all thought that when i said 'an afternoon visit' on christmas i meant dinner. i meant like an hour for gift exchange then i was planning on watching the eagles kick dallas' butt. i even shopped for dinner for 2.5 people since the kids dont eat much.
of course i caved, i felt bad. shawn said he would straighten it out with them but of course i would look like the guy :P i did tell shawn he would have to do the prep clean up since i wasnt expecting much so i let the cleaning slide today since i wasnt feeling well. i can do a lot of the dinner cooking prep ahead of time too i think. how do people stick those pineapple rings on hams? with cloves right? what about cherries? cloves too? would that even work??
i found out today that at least four hats sold! and in the spirit of small town life melana moved in 3 houses down!
merry chrsitmas eve eve!!
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