ive been thinking of doing something to commerate my 30th birthday.. but i didnt know what and i freind (jeannie) sent me this article this morning
knitting tags & knittaplease
i've seen & heard of it before online but never in real life. now im thinking maybe i should knit up 30 pieces by my birthday and sneak out like a knitty ninja to wrap my beloved town in warmth. it would be good. i could use up odd balls, work on new stitch patterns, bind off odd things i've started and lost interest in. plus be a part of something bigger then me, part of a large art experiment, have fun, maybe go out and do this with some girl friends etc.
any thoughts? encouragment? or could it be a bad idea?
ahawn & were talking that should probably sneak back out & take them back down maybe after 24 hours considering crummy winter weather.

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