i'll need to make this short
last night we were on our way to the opening night party for the film festival, when i shut i my left thumb in the car door.
we stopped at a bar across the street for ice, then popped in the party to say hello and explain what happened then off to the ER. they say its mostly likely not broken, but a radiologist would read the film today. i'm splinted from my thumb to my an inch from my elbow, got a tetnus shot also in my left arm & im in a sling for a few days!
i do have a picture of me all dressed up with now where to go sitting in the ER but my camera is in the car.
the staff at the hospital promised to get us out fast & they did. so we went back to the party for 30 minutes where i garnered i alot of interest & sympathy!
last night

this morning

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