i just finished pinning my costume together. i realize this isnt the best picture, but im sure there will be more. i've been working on this on and off but not as much as i want because of my thumb. i started my hand drawing the bones on parchment paper that was pinned to the sweat suit then , re-pinning to the white felt then cutting it all out. now to start hand sewing it with the silver thread! then i hope to pick out all the stitches and have a sweat suit i can wear after the holiday. my thumb still hurts more then i thought it would but im apprehensive about making an appointment with an orthopedic doctor, mostly becuase i dont want any bad news, and i just dont *need* another doctor, and another appointment these days. so i try to ice it once during the day and then again at bed. i still cant bed my thumb or extend it and even the cut isnt healed after 10 days.

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