so what do you want hear first where we went or the babysitting?
ok i'll the babysitting out of the way- it went great! no storms to worry about, the kids had a great time playing with amanda. max showed her where we keep the ice cream which i think is funny, and thats fine with me.
so where did we go?!
we went to the peek-a-boo revue. it was absolutly hilarious!!! i would totaly go see it again. i even got a souvenir polariod with cast for $5.
so the only bad part was big high heels, and the cobble stone streets of old city philadelphia dont mix! i took a huge spill right in front of the club in front about 10 people, ripped my stocking, have gnarly road rash on one knee, mashed my own thumb, and severely hurt my pride
but all in all it was a great night!
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