i fell victim to the ultimate preschool prank!

i was laying down waiting for my imatrex to kick in this morning.
so after peeling those all off, i got my coffee went outside and saw a dead rabbit in my neighbors's yard. she rents and she was gone for teh day, so i took it upon myself to take care of this before teh school kids came to catch the bus. well after some phone calls, i found i really did have to take of it MY self, i found a box and a shovel went outside and found out i was too late. there was a crowd of elementary school kids, who started yelling out that teh rabbit was still alive - sure enough it was! but barely so i put it in the box took it on my porch got purell for some of the kids who touched the rabbit. some other moms seemed to hear what was going on and came to my house and suggested i call a vet to put it down. after about 15 mins of thinking it did seem the best thing to do since the SPCA wont take wild animals. i did find a vet nice enough to help me out, i took the rabbit there. the vet agreed it looked too sick to live and offered to put it alseep for free. so that was my morning! now its time for therapy :P
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