
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

it sounds like a Tb ward in here. max will not or can not stop coughing. he has been known to cough for attention in the past so its frustrating not knowing if all of these coughs are from a cold or just sort of a strange habit. either way he kept us all up last night.
we were going to go see the lunch box exhibit at teh chester county historical society today but we'll have to postpone. the plan was to go with april & her baby abbyy but abbey has RSV and i dont want to expose her to what the kids have.
thats leaves me with getting everything ready for the knitting olympics. my knitting things are usually strewn thgrough out the house but im giong to gather everything and kept it all in one bag to save vaulable knitting time.
i also need to mop the kitchen after i dropped a cup of soup last night :P
i'm not sure about going to the gym today between the kids & their coughs & runny noses and my head is hurting on side a la a migraine brewing. i want to go, i busted out 30 push ups on monday amazing, me, my trainer & shawn. i've also lost a few pounds and my pants are feel a little loose. i'll need to make a decsion soon though...