last night i dreamt veronica was a baby and in a contest for the baby with the most beautiful name. i also dreamt that i confided in tamara that i havent made any freinds yet.
in other news, max has opened a store offering custom bent pipe cleaners. the averge charge is $2. while i think this is steep apparently his dolls have deep pockets. also he was generous enough to give me a butterfly & doughnut that no one else bought.
tattoo progress- the scab came off yesterday and as longas i keep lotion on it it looks good.
shawn's status- still at work in maryland, didnt sound to hopeful about coming home tonight but my netflix movie (northfork) should arrive today (hopefully my coffee order* & my yarn too)
*yeah yeah yeah i mail ordered coffee -im a snob - i didnt sell out, i bought in!!!!
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