
Monday, September 05, 2005

weekend re-cap
saturday: did laundry while watching CNN, hung out with kerry, knit, laughed, drank coffee and conservatily did errands together.
sunday: yard work with the family, took a nap and explored baltimore's inner harbor with the kids
monday: got audrey's hair cut (super short & super cute) grocery shopped, napped, and gpt antsy around teh house. i pinned shawn's sweater together and now im going to sew it

odds & ends:
my house still isnt sold, in fact no lookers all weekend
kerry is a great freind
kids collected a buckets of rocks
we all accused shawn of eating max's muffin while max was in the bathroom
i drank way too much coffee
i knit a mitten & hat and started a scarf
i got two mosquito bites, audrey has a few, ive realized she is VERY sensative to them :(
i have my left pinkie fingernail painted orange
for the first time in over two weeks i slept all night in my bed*, only to fall out when i woke up
*shawn has been snoring most nights, so i migrate down the hall to sleep in the quiet solitude of the guest room