this weekend
1) yelled at max 3x on friday, he had 2 time outs
2)yelled at audrey in a crowded resturant, and i kinda think we got the bum's rush out of there (or it could be my constant paranoia)
3)made snide remark to shawn* about shawn
4)saturday yelled at MIL, and stormed out of her house
5)discuss weekend with cynthia, realize i didnt take thyroid medication during the week
6)sunday outburst free, until i burnt my wrist, now have a mark the size of my thumb across my right wrist
7)knit a present for didi
8)now need to sleep, but insomnia is kicking in again
* yeah i know, all i do is make snide remarks, but hey thats what i do
** what is with these lists??????
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